M.J.H. (Maud) van den Oord
My name is Maud van den Oord, physical therapist since 2018 and graduated from my master Musculoskeletal physiotherapy science at the VU Amsterdam in 2021. Currently I am a physical therapist at the department traumatology, orthopaedics and general surgery in Amphia hospital Breda. Because of my interest in research, I started guiding physiotherapy students during their bachelor thesis and I am doing serveral projects within the hospital. Besides working as a physical therapist I started my PhD trajectory at Erasmus MC in May 2024. My PhD focuses on physical activity during hospital stay.
My PhD focuses on physical activity during hospital stay and how to improve this
2013-2018 Bsc. Physical therapy, Avans Hogeschool Breda.
2018-2021 MSc Musculoskeletal physiotherapy science, VU Amsterdam
2018-2020 Physical therapist at Bravis Hospital, Roosendaal
Since 2021 Physical therapist at Amphia hospital, Breda