Upcoming Defenses 2025

Upcoming defenses 2025

Tang, J: 2025, Februari, 4: Entitled: Cam morphology and its role in hip osteoarthritis. Promotor: S.A.M. Bierma-Zeinstra, Copromotor: R. Agricola

Musters, L: 2025 April 3: Entitled: Long-term follow-up of pediatric forearm fractures. Promotor: D. Eygendaal, Co-promotor:  J. Colaris,, M. Reijman

Macken, A: 2025 APril, 4: Entitled: Key Insights in Total Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty. Promotor: D. Eygendaal,

Bonsel J: 2025, June 17: Entitled: Patient-Reported Outcomes in Orthopedic Surgery: Enhancing Care Quality and Reducing Socioeconomic Inequality. Promotor: J.A.N. Verhaar, Copromotor: M. Reijman