M.M.A. (Michiel) van Buuren
After I graduated from Medical School in January, 2017, I have worked both as an ANIOS (resident not in training) General Surgery in the Franciscus Gasthuis and as an ANIOS Orthopaedic Surgery in the IJsselland Ziekenhuis. In April, 2019, I got the opportunity to start a PhD project for the department of Orthopaedics here at Erasmus MC. My PhD project focuses on the association between hip joint morphology and the development (or progression) of hip osteoarthritis. The main part of this project involves a consortium of prospective cohort studies that have both pelvic radiographs and hip osteoarthritis outcomes available, with at least 4 years of follow-up. Radiographic hip morphology will be assessed by me, using semi-automatic statistical shape modelling methods.
Current research project:
The World COACH consortium. My PhD project focuses on the association between hip joint morphology and the development (or progression) of hip osteoarthritis. The main part of this project involves a consortium of prospective cohort studies that have both pelvic radiographs and hip osteoarthritis outcomes available, with at least 4 years of follow-up. Radiographic hip morphology will be assessed by me, using semi-automatic statistical shape modelling methods.